Шановні клієнти,
Ми зіткнулися з кібератакою на онлайн-ресурси нашої компанії. У зв'язку з цим, наші сервіси (веб-сайт, електронні пошти, телефонні лінії) можуть тимчасово працювати з перебоями. Наша команда активно працює над усуненням даної проблеми. Просимо вибачення за можливі незручності та дякуємо за ваше розуміння.

Tachograph Calibration

Chekup / calibration of tachographs is an important aspect for the control of your shipments. You should not compare the correctness of the tachograph with a GPS navigator, since GPS is not a measuring device, and has its own algorithm for calculating the distance.

Fill out the form on the website or call the contact number and receive confirmation from the operator
step 1

Tachograph Calibration

Deliver the car at the appointed time to the laboratory and provide documents for the car and pay for the service
step 2

Get protocol

Pay for the service and receive the protocol immediately after the technical inspection
step 3

Sign up Tachograph Calibration



Tachograph Calibration

Tachograph is a device designed to register the speed of a car, its route, the distance that this car has already traveled, and records the activity and rest of drivers.

According to the normative legal acts of the European Union and the legislation of Ukraine, the road transport on which the tachograph is installed must periodically undergo a check of this device to confirm its serviceability. This diagnosis is called tachograph calibration or verification, tare.

Tachograph calibration procedure

During tachograph calibration, we check the main technical indicators of the car, measure the state of the measuring device itself, and adjust it. After that, seals are put on the tachograph and the main components of the car, and in a conspicuous place we attach a special label with the parameters and the date of calibration. At the end of the whole process, we write out a protocol with the results of the tachograph check. We recommend that drivers or representatives of transport companies who are present during the tachograph calibration be sure to check the presence of all seals at the end of the verification and carefully monitor their integrity during the trip. If the car does not have all the necessary seals on the territory of the EU, then this can threaten a considerable fine, since this is rather strictly prosecuted by the legislation of most European countries.

The tachograph calibration procedure consists of the following works:

  1. Check the tachograph for serviceability.
  2. Measurement of technical parameters of the vehicle while driving on a test strip or a special stand.
  3. Based on the data received, the tachograph operating mode is configured and programmed.
  4. The device itself and the gearbox sensor must be sealed to prevent further interference with the device.
  5. Registration of all necessary documents, including filling in the tachograph verification protocol.

Under no circumstances should tachograph verification be confused with verification. Verification of the tachograph is usually carried out in accredited calibration laboratories in the case of serial production of this device.

Why do you need to calibrate the tachograph?

The tachograph is a precision measuring instrument. Unlike various navigation devices, the same GPS navigator, for example, the tachograph has its own algorithm for calculating the distance. This algorithm is based not only on the vehicle speed, but also on its technical condition. It is enough to replace the tires or repair the transmission. To avoid this, after any manipulations with the technical units and elements of the car that are responsible for movement, the tachograph should be immediately calibrated.

Is it obligatory to calibrate the tachograph in Ukraine?

According to Ukrainian Legislation, tachograph calibration is a mandatory procedure. However, in our country there is still no clear control over the implementation of all norms regarding the observance of the work and rest regime, carrying out the transportation of goods within the country.

At the moment, transport companies engaged in domestic transportation, in practice, can alternate work with rest at their discretion (keep records in a journal, use tacho disks or a digital tachograph), but the presence of the very the tachograph and its calibration are mandatory. If the tachograph is not calibrated, then violators may face a fine of UAH 1,700. In addition, tachograph calibration is an important factor for passing the mandatory technical inspection procedure and obtaining an international technical inspection certificate.

How often should the tachograph be calibrated?

There are two types of tachograph calibration:

  1. Scheduled or regular, which is held every two years.
  2. Unscheduled or unscheduled, which requires certain grounds.

An extraordinary tachograph calibration is carried out only if:

  • the tachograph was just installed, replaced or repaired;
  • car tires have been replaced;
  • tachograph plate was damaged during repair or maintenance of the machine;
  • the seal on the gearbox or the tachograph sensor is damaged or removed;
  • changes have been made to the vehicle that may affect the accuracy of the measuring device;
  • the owner of the car has changed;
  • license plates have been replaced with the car.
Other important points to consider

The tachograph can only be calibrated on a working tachograph. If the device is out of order, it must be corrected before proceeding with the calibration.

If you use a digital tachograph with an autonomous battery, then it is recommended to replace it during calibration, otherwise the device itself may fail if the battery is disconnected on the car. Never try to replace the tachograph power supply yourself, otherwise it may damage the tachograph.

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